We are created to love…to serve…to give!
Investing in women, globally, is one of the most effective investments one can make. In developing countries, invest in a woman and you have changed her life. Invest in a group of women and you will have changed a community.
Women Together is a ministry organization to women,
by and with women!
Your one-time or monthly would help us immensely as we work in Kenya, Uganda, India, Philippines, Brazil and Ukraine.
Click on the Canada Helps logo to donate. Under the heading: Your Donation Will Support, select either General Fund, Missions and Humanitarian Funds OR Scholarship Project.
***Etransfer - info@women-together.org
Copy the link in your bank account. State what the donation is for and your name and address.By cheque:
Women Together,
320 Colborne Street West,
P.O.Box 25116
Brantford ON , N3T 6K5
Funds given to the General Fund help to support our OnLine Leadership Programs reaching women leaders around the world.
Funds given to our Missions and Humanitarian work supports our on-site work with medical training and clinics, and leadership training for women in leadership.
Funds directed to the Scholarship Project, help to provide assistance for young women in an accredited Theological College or Seminary enrolled in a B.A. or B.Th. program. $40.00 a month will cover the expenses of one Women Together student for a year.
Would you help us make an investment that will be life-transforming?
Let’s connect!
Email us with your questions, comments, suggestions or if you would like to be involved with Women Together.
We would love to hear from you.