Incline Your Ear

Pat Klein

I prayed to my God for help… my cry to him reached his ears.” What follows is a powerful drama of God moving heaven and earth to rescue one of his children. (Psalms 18:4-19 NLT)

Remember Hagar and young Ishmael in the wilderness, the Israeli slaves in Egypt, and other accounts? God ‘inclines his ear’ to his children’s cries..

It’s also true that when God’s people ‘inclined their ear’ to him, they heard from Him! Hearing from God, a fresh revelation of his Presence, brings reassurance, confidence, joy.

Sometimes we deal with team members who aren’t ‘fitting in’. We’re used to a common way of working, of doing ministry. Then, along comes someone who is ‘different’. It may be cultural, it may be generational, it may be just beyond our understanding. But the bottom line is, it’s an on-going challenge to work together. So … it becomes a prayer point.

This was me recently. Then, I ‘happened to’ read about a Christian on the autism spectrum, describing the difficulties he repeatedly faces serving in his local church. It was an interesting story.(1) Then, as I ‘inclined my ear’, the Holy Spirit took my thoughts further.
(1). See Our Daily Bread April 24, 2024

I was reminded of others who, though not autistic, still don’t fit the expected mold. I remembered that Jesus commanded his followers “Love one another”!  Further, Paul compares a local group of believers to a physical body. Different parts have different characteristics, yet, directed by the brain (i.e. Christ) they can function well together.

I realized that God was guiding me in my particular situation. He was changing me (!), adjusting my assumptions about those who are ‘different’. All resulting from ‘inclining my ear’ to Him that day. And then, with my more opened heart, further guidance came.

“Listen, my people, to my instruction: Incline your ear to the words of my mouth.” Psalms 78:1 (NASB)

Friends, as we do our best to lead in the giftings God has given us, let’s humbly pray for guidance, and then, in faith ‘incline our ear. He may send his answer in a still small voice as we wait before him. Or in a devotional we read with our family. Or in some other way.

Just as our loving powerful God inclines his ear to our cries, so as we incline our ear to him, He sends the specific idea for that time and place.

Just ask Joshua and Paul and …

Even more wonderful though, is when we incline our ear, and hear again his words of love to us: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” (John 15:9)

It’s worth it to incline our ear to the Lord!


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