Joy In Surrender

by Debby Baril

Sitting in the place of solitude, distractions, questions, and conflicts slowly receding, I surrendered all ideas of what I thought life, leadership, calling, and ministry should look like.

It’s in those gifted moments of solitude that we give God our undivided attention, and He removes the clutter of our souls, enabling us to see ourselves, others, and Him in proper perspective.

We recognize we are nothing, yet so greatly valued. We are completely naked yet clothed in the beauty of His righteousness; empty, yet filled with the presence and anointing of His Holy Spirit; unqualified for ministry, yet made qualified by the finished work of Christ.

All we have is from Him, and as we surrender our dreams, opinions, and yes, even our disappointments, a sweet stillness enters our soul, and we know only one thing is needed: God.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And I have no delight or desire on earth besides You. (Psalm 73:25 AMP)

In the quietness, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “The deeper the surrender the greater the joy.” I was reminded our walk on earth is one of death and life, crucifixion and resurrection. Out of the ashes of surrender a new story emerges, out of the womb of solitude new life bursts forth.

Dreams laid down for the Dream Giver.
Abandon, surrender,
There must be something better.
His dream, His vision, His heart
A new story emerges.
Transformation releasing creativity,
Turning ashes to beauty,
Death to life.


Heavenly Father, lead us into those gifted times of solitude, where the Holy Spirit speaks tenderly to our hearts, enabling us to still our souls. Above all else we embrace You and trust You as a new story emerges from the ashes of what we thought life and ministry should look like. We are filled with gratitude that our story is still being penned. May our times of solitude become the womb where new life bursts forth, and surrender turns to joy!


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