You Feed Them

Written by Pat Klein

Jesus said to his disciples – “You feed them.” (Mark 6:37)

Christmas stöllen, Lindt chocolates, the decorated sugar cookies our aunt used to make, the walnut shortbreads my husband loved, pies, and let’s not forget the special delicious appetizers … all so good!! But when the new year arrives, the scale tells the truth … pounds added. Not good! It’s time to get back to meat and potatoes, vegetables, salads - basically, back to eating nutritious foods.

Recently our Pastor preached from Mark 6 about the feeding of the 5,000. A phrase in verse 37 hit me. The disciples had come to Jesus about a big problem. Jesus flabbergasted them when he said, “You feed them.”

We know the rest of the story. As the disciples followed his instructions, brought the little bit they could come up with, watched Jesus bless it, and then started giving it out to the hungry people, their amazement grew and grew. The supply just kept coming! They never reached the bottom of the basket! There was more at the end than there’d been when they started! What a day that was!

Many of us have noted similar things as we’ve been involved in ministry - perhaps most recently as we’ve seen the almost unbelievable increase in outreaches during the Covid pandemic. As we learned to pivot over and over, and to present the message “online”, it spread literally across communities, and around the world. We’ve been astounded, much like the people were that day back in Galilee. For sure, God can increase our small resources so they more than meet the need.

Today as we face 2025, we desire anew to be used to point people to Jesus, not only in our programs but also in our one-to-one contacts. What does this involve?

Well, for one thing, it involves availability. Meaningful interactions often start out as interruptions to our plans. We have a schedule to keep after all! Then a neighbor whom we greet talks on and on. I find myself feeling impatient until the Spirit reminds me that I prayed this morning for Muslims & Hindus in Canada. And here was one in front of me, and I barely recognized the interruption as God’s appointment.

Pointing people to Jesus involves availability, interrupt-ability.

Also of course, our heart-cry to point people to Jesus involves love, compassion, and helpfulness. The Scriptures, and our own experiences of being loved by the Lord so many times, make this clear. “But Jesus, I just want to point out … some people are easier to love than others. … I guess you dealt with that too, didn’t you?”

Pointing people to Jesus involves loving, even when it doesn’t come naturally.

But in my heart these days, the bigger, more challenging thought is Jesus’ phrase, “You feed them.” I’m challenged to not only give tasty tidbits like friendliness, encouragement, compassion, and help. These are important for sure. They can be life-giving to a thirsty soul, though often unknown to us until eternity.

Still, along with tasty tidbits, I want to be feeding ‘meat and potatoes.’ I want to mention Jesus, not just a generic God. I want to share stories of His interventions in my life. I want ‘the name of the Lord Jesus to be magnified’, as was happening in and around Ephesus in chapter 19. (Acts 19:17)

Lord, I pray that you’ll help me set my heart and mind this day to be available, interrupt-able, loving, and bold to share your Name as you open opportunities. May I also feed them.

Jesus said, “You feed them.”


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