The Power of Kindness

Written by Nancie Carmichael

When I was a young mom, I accompanied my husband to a retreat in another state where he was the speaker. My task that weekend was to keep our three small children fed and occupied, which was turning out to be a challenge. I entered the kitchen to ask if I could get the boys fed before the session and encountered the “Head Chef” who told me in no uncertain terms to get out and that I needed to keep my children under control. The kitchen was her territory, I realized. I retreated meekly with my little boys and sat in the back row of the auditorium, fighting back tears, wishing I’d stayed home.

Just then an elderly minister sat down next to me, and I still remember his kind eyes and gentle words. I didn’t know him well, but I knew that his wife had recently passed away. He said, “You remind me of my wife years ago when we had small children. You know, it’s not that hard being a parent. Just love them, and they’ll turn out all right.” He spoke kindly to our boys, making them feel seen and cared for.

How reassuring and life-giving his kind presence was to us at that moment. (And his words inspired me for years, even after we’d added two more children!)

Kindness seems to be in short supply lately. Maybe you’re like me—weary of conflict and division. Weary of the hardness and rumors intended to inflame. Our old human nature has always caused us problems, though. Proverbs 18:2 says, “A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.” Ouch.

Is it possible to live the law of kindness in an unkind world? Many years ago, a wise king described such a person: “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” (Proverbs 31:26)

Is it possible to change our world with kindness? I think it is, and it starts with seeing people, noticing the one in front of us. C. S. Lewis wrote, “There is no ordinary person.” Kindness seeks to understand, to listen.

Maybe you feel like me, that you want to make a difference in our world but often feel helpless to do so. Yet there is something we can do. We can notice someone who needs kindness. And people all around us are starving for it. It may be a stranger, or someone in our family, or even ourselves. One simple act of kindness and caring can change a life.

Last week my daughter, Amy, her 7-year-old son, and I made a quick grocery stop. As we walked out, we saw a homeless man sitting near the door. We got in the car to leave, and Amy said, “Mom. It’s so cold. Let’s get that man some warm food.” I started to say, “Well, there’s a shelter he can go to.” My grandson sat in the back seat, wide-eyed. I said, “Amy, you are right,” and headed for a nearby drive-in where we purchased a hot chicken sandwich and coffee. We drove back with the food and Amy got out and gave it to him. He immediately began eating, obviously hungry. As we drove away, he waved at me and smiled the most beautiful smile. I thought: He looks like Jesus.

Maybe it was Him! He did say, “I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink. I was a stranger, and you took Me in…Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:37-40)


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